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The Sheriff is the Chief Constitutional Law Enforcement Officer of Baltimore County. He is elected to a four year term, with no limit on the number of consecutive terms for which he may run. His power and salary - which cannot be altered during his term of office - are determined by the State Legislature. All members of his staff are employed under conditions of the Merit System of the County.

The Staff, which expands as needs are justified and funds are allocated, currently consists of an under sheriff, Captain, 2 Lieutenants, 6 Sergeant and 60 Deputies. All have delegated authority to carry out powers of the Sheriff. Their duties are supported by a clerical staff which includes a Administrative Assistant, and 7 Criminal Records Clerks. Official website of Baltimore county sheriff department can be accessed at:

New Courts Building
401 Bosley Ave.
Towson, Maryland 21204

Baltimore county sheriff department telephone directory:

Sheriff – R. Jay Fisher (410) 887-4070
Under sheriff (410) 887-8698
Chief Deputy (410) 887-2032
Captain (410) 887-4077
Lieutenants (410) 887-4067 or 4069
Warrant Squad (410) 410-887-2031
Investigations (410) 887-3356
Main Office (410) 887-3151


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